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Explore Clanfield Community Pre-School

At Clanfield Community Pre-School we strongly believe that our room, provision and environment is crucial to offering our children chances to explore and discover.

Our different areas and resources are designed to promote wonder, curiosity and discussion.

Scroll down and discover our exciting provision for yourself.

Our Room: Welcome

Block play

Building is the blocks of life

Block play offers children an open-ended, creative and valuable play and learning experience. Giving them the freedom to explore, create and follow their own ideas as well as offering opportunities to develop problem-solving and reasoning skills. It also enhances physical development, mathematics, communication skills, self esteem and creativity.

We use natural wooden resources in our construction area and add lots of loose parts to our block play which help extend opportunities for creativity as the children are free to combine them in countless ways developing their imaginations and independent thinking.

Our Room: About Us

Curiosity Corner

"When you're curious you find a lot of interesting things to do." Walt Disney

Loose parts are open ended resources that offer children possibilities to explore and discover purposeful play. Children have naturally active and creative minds and loose parts enable children decide what to do and how to use the resources they choose to fully immerse themselves in their play.

Our Curiosity Corner is full of interesting and diverse items for the children to discover and explore, sparking curiosity, engagement and excitement - there is no limit to their imaginations.

Our Room: About Us

Small world play

"Everything you can imagine is real" Pablo Picasso

Small world play encourages children to use their imaginations and create both everyday and fantasy worlds in familiar surroundings, helping children's social and emotional development as well as build their communication skills.

In our small world area we follow our children's interests and use many natural resources to enhance the children's experiences and connect them to the natural world around them

Our Room: About Us

Home corner

"It is a happy talent to know how to play" Ralph Waldo Emerson

Pretend play is very important for children's development and learning. When children act out roles they develop many skills; they play cooperatively, negotiate turns, exchange ideas, express their feelings, learn how to communicate and work together to solve problems.

Our home corner is like a home from home, a warm and inviting space with a play kitchen, cosy lounge and dressing up area with plenty of authentic resources for the children to develop their creative thinking and imaginative play.

Our Room: About Us

Dough Station

"At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling." Shanti

Messy play is beneficial, enabling children to explore and experiment with different textures, learn about space, shape and measures, learn to communicate and share with others and develop their fine motor skills and hand-to-eye-coordination.

Our dough station has a wide variety of sensory experiences for our children from play dough to rice, oats, dried flowers and many more resources designed to stimulate their senses and encourage imagination and exploration.

Our Room: About Us

Book Corner

"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates loot on Treasure Island" Walt Disney

Books develop and nourish children's imaginations and inspire creativity. Enjoying books and reading stories not only helps our children with their ability to understand words, but it encourages them to begin to develop their imagination – to see and imagine things all by themselves – and to develop their speech, it improves concentration and introduces children to new concepts and the world around them. 

Our book corner is a calm and beautiful space for the children to discover the wonder of books. We also have a sensory tunnel they can snuggle in with cushions and blankets to enjoy some quiet time away from the bustle of the pre-school.

Our Room: About Us

Craft Area

"You can't use up creativity. The more you use the more you have." Maya Angelou

Working creatively supports children to develop fine and gross motor skills, hand-to-eye coordination and is the first step in developing their writing skills for later in life. It also helps them to express their thoughts and feelings in an imaginative way and gives them pride and a sense of accomplishment.

We believe in process over product and that our children should create for the sheer joy of it rather than focus on the outcome. Our craft area has a wide range of resources designed to provoke the children's imaginations and creativity.

Our Room: About Us

Music Corner

"Music is a magic like no other, which can do incredible, unexplainable things." Tom Fletcher

Very early in their life, children will start to identify rhythm and even move to the beats of music. After all, music is meant to touch our souls! Besides that, music provides cognitive benefits that support children’s early development including; increasing sensory experiences, building coordination and developing speech and language.

Our music corner has a range of different instruments to help promote children's wonder and curiosity in discovering music and rhythm. We hold singing sessions every day and also provide a variety of dancing activities that the children (and staff) love to participate in together.

Our Room: About Us

"Play is the highest form of research"

Albert Einstein

Our Room: Quote
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